ocr: DATA ANALYSIS: Alabama 78.594362 L Use data set A or B Alaska 0.875913 alone, or any of the Arizona 26.896783 functions below. Arkansas 45.105419 Area,sq/mi California 163.929392 + H A * A a L Colorado 30.6//156 Connecticut 647.372742 Pop,Total",1984 Delaware 31/.20//05 Florida 202.684985 +B -BJI *BJ +B 100.54085/ Georgia Hawaii 106.476737 + *, - - Idaho 12.146142 In() expl ) Illinois 206.66494/ Indiana 15,.011243 Round or Truncate... lowa 51.996784 User... Revert... Kansas 29.811325 Kentucky 93.851622 S Clear Export data... Continue...